I was browsing Craigslist the other day when I came across something you guys would appreciate even if you’re not into video gaming. A listing from Venice CA was selling a beautiful table in the shape of a Nintendo NES controller. The listing also showed an equally impressive smaller scale controller wall art piece.
Both pieces are made from premium hardwoods: burl walnut, claro walnut, curly maple, birdseye maple, and bubinga and the boxes are held together using dovetails. I like that there is plenty of attention to detail and didn’t use paint but instead used different colored hardwoods to achieve a color scheme reminiscent of the original 80’s controller.
The maker of these beautiful pieces is a company by the name of Bohemian Workbench who is located near me in Venice here in southern California. I did a little bit more research on them and they have a website where they show off their collection. You can check them out here: www.bohoworkbench.com .You can also check out the original craigslist ad here although it won’t be up forever.
In one of their pictures, we can see their workshop with a couple of Grizzly brand products with a bandsaw and possibly a planer along with a Craftsman branded stool.
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