SnapPower has been making wall plates with integrated night lights for years now with their GuideLight series.
What’s interesting about the SnapPower GuideLight night lights is that the wall plate itself is the night light. This means that there isn’t an external component taking up space in one of the outlets, therefore freeing up both outlets. It also looks cleaner too. That’s because all the night light components are built into the wall plate itself including the LED’s, the ambient sensor and the power source. What’s also interesting is that since the night light electronics are built into the wall plate, it means that installation is just as easy as installing a normal wall plate. So easy anyone can do it, even those that have never worked on their homes electrical wiring. This is thanks to electric contact pins on the backside of the wall plate that makes contact with the hot and neutral screws on the outlet.
SnapPower doesn’t just make night light wall plates for electrical outlets but they also make night light wall plates for light switches as well (SwitchLight). They also make outlet plates for GFCI outlets and plates for decora outlets and switches too. Last but not least they also make SafeLights which are night light plates for decora outlets with built in child safeties so the little ones can’t shove a fork into the outlet and have a bad hair day.
As mentioned in the outset, SnapPower has been at their business for several years now and have upgraded their GuideLights from simple LED lights to more advanced LED light bars with the GuideLight 2 models.
In a world where wall plates, switches and outlets cost a few cents a piece, the SnapPower wall plate night lights are not anywhere near as inexpensive as regular wall plates. For example a single GuideLight 2 costs $16.98 and a single SwitchLight costs $17.98 per current Amazon pricing at time of writing.
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